Min Lägenhet
This is 1024px, a free website template by Andreas Viklund. This is a regular XHTML/CSS template which you can use to build your own website or online presentation. The 1024px template is released as completely free code, which means that you are allowed to use it for any purpose and in any way you may want to, without any obligations or limitations. I kindly ask that you leave the credit text and link (the one that says "Design by Andreas Viklund" in the footer) since that is a nice way of supporting my template design work. But it is no requirement, just a request. Do what works best for you!
1. Köksbord (Barbord) - Klart 2011122
2. Diskmaskin - Klart 20111217
3. Blommor - Klart 20111218
4. Gardiner - Klart 20111218
5. Nytt soffbord - Klart 20120601
6. Ny säng
7. Frostad toning til fönstret bredvid ytterdörren - Klart 20120101
8. Balkong möbler - Klart 20120718